Thanksgiving and Procrastination.
I was hoping my first blog post would be about my passion for photography but as my assistant/fiancé/already considered wife pushes to complete our new website launch deadline for tomorrow I’m writing about procrastination. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve been wanting to update and relaunch my website for two years now. I’ve been lazy with wanting to go thru 30 years of work and decide what goes on my new site. So in short, on Thanksgiving, I have my assistant/fiancé/already considered my wife to thank for this website along with Greg Thomas the website designer at The Paper Plant. They did all the work outside of me taking the photographs and doing what I love and they are both working on Thanksgiving. I’m nervous I have too many photos on the site and I’m sure it will go thru various tweaks. I’ve never written a blog before and I’m unsure of what future posts will focus on. But for now, I’m grateful to all my clients that have come in the past 30 years. I’m so lucky to do what I love for a living and to meet and get to know so many interesting people throughout the years.
Greg picked this picture from a Bar Mitzvah I shot. I had zero clue what photo to pick for a first post but I’m keeping this one. This photo came from a spontaneous moment of me watching this kid smear a mustard packet on his teeth. He was cracking up and I was loving it. I said, “Hey is that a mustard packet?” and he shook his head yes while laughing. I said, “Hold it up!” and snapped the shot. This photo reminds me to stop overthinking and to have fun. I notice some of my favorite photographs come from those types of moments.